Abdullah Al-Dosari, CEO of T2, explains how the tech company has been helping clients through 2020, and its plans for the future


One of the positive effects of the COVID-19 pandemic has been the acceleration of the digitization of the global economy. What role does T2 play in this?

We started to push for digitization years before the pandemic and played a major role in enabling e-services and online banking in Saudi Arabia. We are adventurous, with goals to explore and test new technologies. In the last five years, we introduced seven products to market. Three of them have become well-known: RiCH©, Ole5©, and Availo©. This year we have managed to enable more than 10 billion business transactions. We also enabled over 100,000 employees to work from home and transformed client environments to paperless.


IT security lies at the heart of every CEO’s business strategy. What can clients expect from T2 to maximize the level of security in their IT infrastructure?

In 2016, we began to build a very secure email-like solution. It was initially built and designed based on a Trust No One (TNO) concept, where secure documents are managed without IT infrastructure, making it impossible for even an IT engineer to access, view, or modify. Last year, T2 was identified as a company of national critical infrastructure. We increased our security practices to comply with NCA security compliance and became ISO27001 certified.


As CEO, how do you attract and inspire your employees to follow your vision for T2?

We have four core values: honesty, devotion, willingness to learn, and giving. If you have a devotion to work, you will be much easier to manage and motivate. If you are willing to learn you will find yourself motivated to tackle new challenges. If you have a value of giving you won’t hesitate to help your colleague. These core values are at the heart of all of our objectives.


As a tech entrepreneur, what is your assessment of Saudi’s Vision 2030?

When Vision 2030 was announced we believed it could be a new thing, but whether it could be achieved or not was the question. Oil prices were going down, there was a shortage of resources, etc. But despite all these challenges, the results today are astonishing, giving entrepreneurs optimism for the future. The environment has become much easier in which to do business. Clients have started to trust the fairness of the system. With government support, financial instruments have become much easier. We have new regulations for startups and investment instruments. It all looks very promising.


What is your main objective for next year?

In 2020 we had multiple objectives, one of which was to explore how to export technology solutions to neighboring countries, so we established offices in the U.A.E. and Egypt. We managed to sell to clients in the U.A.E., Oman, Egypt and Jordan. We are preparing ourselves for the next stage in 2021 by acquiring some local companies in the GCC and Egypt.


Forbes Middle East

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